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Soutien du chagrin
Joe Docherty
Né àUnited States
64 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Livre Commémoratif
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Life can be the same after a trinket is lost, but never after the loss of a treasure. ~P. Irion~ ♥ n hugs **Joe** ((Gerry))
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Joe
That God once loved a garden we learn in Holy writ. And seeing gardens in the Spring I well can credit it. ~Winifred Mary Letts
Grand Mama 2*Patrick Jay*
Lord,send your swift angels 2 smooth out our brows.Encircle our night w the wings of ur protection,so that we may rest quietly.
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Hope you had a great Easter Joe. I'm sure you and Angie helped all the little ones! Sending big hugs to you and your Wife xo
They did it, the Mets won their opener. M was there of course. I know you helped DW get that homerun. Keep them winning. xoxoxoxox
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
Thankyou for lighting a candle for Hannah, it means so much as she doesn't get many.xxxxx.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sweet Angel of God, you are loved, cherished, remembered, missed forever. One day we will be all be together again with you. Hug.
Baseball starts today. You always loved being at opening day to root for the Mets. Enjoy watching and helping them win. xoxoxoxox
Jamee Clark/Yannick Fraser
TY dear Gerry for the Easter blessings graphic..May God bless our dear angels.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
As I walked along the beach,I asked God 4 a special revelation.Sudden ly the words were before me-I LOVE YOU- carved in the sand.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Hello Angel Joe. Life begins today with Jesus resurrection and all the Angels in Heaven. Have a Blessed, Happy Easter.Miss you
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Wishing you & your family a blessed Easter Joe. God Bless!
kat, angel lizzie shea's momma
~ Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. ~ share this Easter saying Charles M. Crowe
HAPPY EASTER. With love... xoxoxox
Barb/Nicky's MOM
He died so that we might live.He rose to fullfill the promise of life after death.Thank You Jesus!Sending you Easter Blessings.XO
Beverly (Thomas Allen)
Memories are like threads of gold, They never tarnish or grow old. Happy Easter. xxxx
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Gerry friend for the Easter Graphic it is so nice and so thoughtful of u~Have a nice Easter Sunday~Hugs 2 u and Joe~
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Joe, as u celebrate ♰Jesus♰ in all of His Glory wishes are sent to you and your family to have a Happy and Blessed Easter
Noah Morell's Mommy
Happy Easter sweet angel,our Lord Jesus died so you may live in His everlasting glory until we are reunited again..forever!
Helena. Mum of Angel Hannah Card.xx.
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.
Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Happy Easter.God bless you on his resurrection to you*JOE*Gerry*
ClaireSullivan's Family
Have a blessed easter Joe. Are you & Claire keeping up with the mets?? Hugs to you & your family.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Joe hope ur day tomorrow will be so wonderful~Happy Easter to u Angel and ur wife and family~Sending my love to u Angels above~
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
My thoughts and prayers are always with you. You are gone but never forgotten. Wishing you an everlasting light, peace, happiness.
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